The first as I'm sure you all know about is buying Lindens which you can do at the Second Life offical site. I was able to buy L$5000 for £11 or about $20. But you can also start of buying from as little as £5 or $5 :)
- Camping
Its a pretty boring way to make not a huge amount of money , but as they say every little helps :P You will find camping sites all around 2L and it basically involes sitting on a chair or something similar (such as dancing on the spot) for something like L$4 every 15 minutes.
- Getting a job
There is several different kinds of jobs and different rates of pay depending on the job itself. I recommend having a look through the Classifields in the Employment section or else find job listings in the 2L Forum. Jobs range from being a model or escort to scripting and building things.
Selling things
You can buy and sell basically anything in 2L - cars, clothes, houses, jewellery, pets, houses - and there is also tons of free things found at yard sales or'freebie' shops which you can then sell on to make yourself some money ;)
- Land Sales
**You can only buy land if you have a premium account**
You can buy land for a set price or else pick up some at an auction. Thw way to make money here is to buy land for L$5000 (this is only an example I'm not sure of the going rate of land :P) divide it up - maybe build 10 houses on it, investing maybe L$500 in the creation of each house meaning you will have spent L$7500. You would then go on to sell each pieces of land and house on it for maybe L$1500 (or you can rent them out)which means you will have recieved L$15000, making a profit of L$7500.
- Contests
You can enter contests in 2L (simply search Events and then Games/Contests) and the prize is usually a sum of money - if you are only entering the contest to earn money be sure and check what the prize is first!! Keep checking for different contests as they are reguarly updated. Contests range from treasure hunts to modelling competitions etc.
- Creating a business
You can buy land or rent a shop to set up your new business in. A favourite is clothes shops, but you can basically set up a shop/business for anything you can create and sell on in 2L :D
- Surveys
You can take part in surveys to make money (although be warned there has been times I have done surveys and not recieved a penny). You can do this in 2L itself or simply online. In 2L simply search for surveys ad a list of different places will show up. The best site I have visited is MetaRL , you sign up here and they pay you mP for doing things such as surveys, games, contest and raffles. The mP can then be transfered into L$ ;) I also visited linksoapbox where Sandy Holmer has a different question every month. All you do is answer it and you will recieve L$100 in a day or so (this worked for me :D). Another place is SlamX a virtual online bank where you recieve L$50 just for signing up (this also worked). Again you could try First Opinions Panel,or Earn2Life.
Visit Chino Yray for more handy links to surveys etc in SL :)
I think that's all, but if you know any other ways to earn money in SL let me know and I'll post it here :D
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