Monday, 31 August 2009

Creating a desirable body shape

I was doing a bit of browsing and stumbled upon ArianeB's site which basically has a few tips and tricks, along with a list of free scripts. One of the things she pointed out was that with female avatars, it is often desirable to have the most attractive shape you can. She then tells you how to get a decent athletic shape for free. So... in the name of research I decided to try it out :P

The first thing to do is to right click on your avatar, select "Appearance" and click "Shape".

Then change the following settings:

BODY: height 70, body thickness 0, body fat 7

TORSO: Torso Muscles 51, Shoulders 45, Breast Size 60, Breast Buoyancy 50, Breast Cleavage 20, Torso Length 56

LEGS: Leg Length 68, Hip Width 50, Hip Length 60, Butt Size 30, Saddle Bags 20, Knee Angle 50

And this is what you get! Just a pity it wasn't as easy as this in RL :)